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Retrospection of 10 Years of Development of Consumer Debt Clearance Act and Prospects: Comparison with Contemporary Bankruptcy Law in the United States
作者 鄭有為
中文摘要 我國消費者債務清理條例自二○○八年實施以來,至二○一八年十一月最新修正,經過十年發展,已經呈現嶄新的風貌,本文將嘗試評價。亦逢美國二○一九年消費者破產最終報告以及二○二○年華倫報告/消費者破產改革法案的公布,適可與我國互為對照,以國際比較法視野觀察我國破產機制的發展道路。基此,本文首先在第二章對消費者債務清理條例十年發展進行回顧;在第三章,從BAPCPA、最終報告以及華倫報告/消費者破產改革法案三角度論述美國聯邦破產法十年來的發展;在第四章,就我國與美國十年發展進行實證統計比較分析;第五章將以三大面向觀察消費者債務清理條例的未來展望;第六章為本文結論,冀從臺美互相輝映角度,期許我國消費者債務清理體制的大未來。
英文摘要 The Consumer Debt Clearance Act was in effect in 2018, and the last version was revised in November 2018. After 10 years of development, the Act has manifested its unique characteristics to the world. This study will evaluate the development process of the Act. In addition, the disclosed 2019 Final Report of the ABI Commission on Consumer Bankruptcy and 2020 Warren Plan/Consumer Bankruptcy Reform Act of 2020 can be used to compare with the Consumer Debt Clearance Act of Taiwan. From the perspective of international comparative law, the development path of the bankruptcy mechanism in Taiwan is observed. This study involves a review of the 10 years of development of the Consumer Debt Clearance Act in Chapter 2. In Chapter 3, discourses on Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act, Final Report of the ABI Commission on Consumer Bankruptcy, and Warren Plan/ Consumer Bankruptcy Reform Act of 2020 are used to elaborate on the bankruptcy law development of the United States over the 10 years. Chapter 4 provides empirical comparison and analysis of bankruptcy law development in Taiwan and in the United States. Chapter 5 offers the future prospects of the Consumer Debt Clearance Act from three perspectives. Chapter 6 concludes the study. Through comparison of bankruptcy laws between Taiwan and the United States, this study may shed light on the future development of the consumer debt clearance system in Taiwan.
起訖頁 129-180
關鍵詞 消費者債務清理條例破產法更生程序清算程序美國破產法預防破產濫用與消費者保護法案消費者破產最終報告華倫報告消費者破產改革法案Consumer Debt Clearance ActBankruptcy Actrehabilitation procedureliquidation procedurebankruptcy law in the United StatesBankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act (BAPCPA)Final Report of the ABI Commission on Consumer BankruptcyWarren PlanConsumer Bankruptcy Reform Act of 2020
刊名 成大法學
出版單位 國立成功大學法律學研究所;成大法學編輯委員會
期數 202106 (41期)
DOI 10.53106/168067192021060041003  複製DOI  DOI申請

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