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Establishment of Paternal Affiliation of Illegitimate Child through Facts or Factual Actions: Comparative Observations between the Main Legislation in Comparative Laws and the Nurture Provision under Art. 1065 para. 1 pt. 2 of the Civil Code of Taiwan
作者 林易典
中文摘要 生父與非婚生子女間法律上父子女關係之發生,除透過認領 制度此一法律行為模式外,一九八○年代後之比較法主要立法例 中,陸續出現兼採事實或事實行為模式之規範。其規範上所選取 之事實或事實行為態樣不一,惟規範背景上多為採取要式認領。 此即於認領制度外,擴張了非婚生子女發生法律上父子女關係之 途徑,而有助於對於非婚生子女之保護。 我國民法於一九三○年制定時,即於第一○六五條第一項後 段導入撫育規範,非婚生子女基於生父撫育之事實行為即能發生 法律上父子女關係。其於不要式認領之寬鬆規範背景下,仍採取 概念上亦屬寬廣之撫育態樣。此一雙重寬鬆之規範結構即展現 出,撫育規範極欲促進非婚生子女與生父間發生法律上父子女關 係的規範意旨。因具有認領意思之撫育本得構成默示認領而適用 認領規範,撫育規範之適用應認為生父之撫育行為無須具有認領 意思,撫育規範之導入方能具有獨立意義。為避免一切撫育者之 撫育行為均能發生法律上父子女關係,撫育規範即應以真實血緣 連繫作為適用要件。由於現行撫育規範本得涵蓋以撫育為基礎之 默示認領,立法政策上並得考慮將現行不要式認領規範修改為要 式認領規範,使經由認領規範所發生之法律上父子女關係能具有 明確性與安定性。
英文摘要 Paternal affiliation between father and the illegitimate child can be established through recognition, which is a model of legal action, as well as through model of fact or factual action. Model of fact or factual action gradually appears in the main legislations of comparative laws after 1980s. The elements of the selected facts or factual actions vary, but all parallel appear in legislations which require formal recognition. This expands the paths to establish the paternal affiliation for the illegitimate children and is beneficial to them. In 1930, the Civil Code codified the nurture provision in Art. 1065 para. 1 pt. 2. Therefore the paternal affiliation of the illegitimate child can be established through the factual actions of nurture of the father. Under the legislative background of recognition without any formal requirement, nurture, a broad concept, is also adopted in the nurture provision. This demonstrates that nurture provision aims at facilitating the establishment of affiliation between the illegitimate child and father. While nurture with the intent of recognition constitutes an implied recognition and therefore the recognition provision is applicable, nurture provision dos not require the intent of recognition of the father. Therefore, the nurture provision is introduced with an independent meaning. Besides, in order to prevent nurture action of non-birth father to establish paternal affiliation, the true connection of parentage is required for the application of nurture provision. While the nurture provision comprises nurture-based recognition, the recognition provision without formal requirement could therefore de lege ferenda be modified into recognition provision with formal requirement. The affiliation established through recognition could therefore obtain clarity and stability.
起訖頁 1-94
關鍵詞 撫育非婚生子女父子女關係父子關係親子關 係認領血緣連繫nurture illegitimate children paternal affiliation paternity kinship recognition parentage
刊名 成大法學
出版單位 國立成功大學法律學研究所;成大法學編輯委員會
期數 202012 (40期)
DOI 10.53106/168067192020120040001  複製DOI  DOI申請

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