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Study on Legal Issues, Regulatory Models and Recent Legislation of Artificial Intelligence: Evidence from the United States
作者 郭戎晉
中文摘要 在人工智慧深入人類生活的各個層面的同時,人們對於此一嶄新技術的認識仍十分有限。隨著應用領域的多元化,人工智慧所引發的問題也隨之增加,但人工智慧法律爭議討論上經常出現眾說紛紜或莫衷一是的情形,造成此一現象的主因便在於技術概念的複雜以及討論者切入視角各有不同所產生之差異。面對人工智慧發展伴隨而生的各項問題之處理,自律與他律機制各有擁護者,近期則有從自律優先轉為向他律靠攏之趨勢|在監管立法推動上亦開始自技術應用較早且一般可見的特定領域如交通應用,朝向演算法及聊天機器人等民眾未能直接感知的底層技術領域進行討論。針對監管難題,歐盟及美國陸續發布人工智慧監管立法指引,本文觀察美國近期實際推動的人工智慧監管舉措,聯邦立法及相關州法針對演算法及聊天機器人的運用,共通強調技術「透明度」之重要並提出相對人知情及事前同意等規範要求。惟相關立法亦非全然無失,在現時人工智慧缺乏一致性定義下,針對技術所作定義與用語仍未臻明確,甚至有略而不談之情形,導致法案適用上存在高度不確定性。此外,技術監管向來易於出現「步調問題」並落入所謂的「科林格里奇困境」,在人們尚無法完全掌握人工智慧發展走向及所生風險之下,擬一步到位的全面性人工智慧監管專法尚難解決邊界不明情形,務實之道應係立於風險基礎,優先就對人類生活產生較大風險的領域別進行評估,而監管機關能否對此一新興技術與衍生爭議有充分的認識,並透過產業互動等方式掌握所需之專業知識,將是能否正確認識人工智慧衍生風險並決定合宜監管力道之關鍵。
英文摘要 Understanding Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its relatedtechnologies is difficult, but it is important to consider the legalimplications of each new technology on its own and knowing thestrengths and limits of current AI technology is crucial to theunderstanding of AI within law. This increasing connectivity andsymbiotic interaction among humans and intelligent machines bringssignificant challenges for the rule of law. Our increasing reliance onAI, these seemingly episodes in science fiction movies have graduallybecome a reality of life and pose challenges to legal systems at alllevels. How to regulate these new technologies in a way that will bothfacilitate growth and insure stability across industries and society,self-regulation mechanism was the earliest proposed concept, butnecessary regulatory legislation has received more attention recently.This article will first discuss AI generally and analysis the mainnormative challenges imposed by the advancement of AI. Then thinking about the appropriate regulatory models toward relatedissues of AI and finally comparing the White House's ''Guidance forRegulation of Artificial Intelligence Applications'' and three State'sregulatory legislation including California, New York and Illinois.The new challenge may not technological innovation, but thegovernance of the digital.
起訖頁 173-235
關鍵詞 人工智慧自律監管立法人工智慧應用監管指南演算法問責法聊天機器人揭露法人工智慧視訊面試法步調問題科林格里奇困境artificial intelligence (AI)self-regulationregulatory legislationGuidance for Regulation of Artificial Intelligence ApplicationsAlgorithmic Accountability Act of 2019Chatbot ActArtificial Intelligence Video Interview Actpacing problemCollingridge Dilemma
刊名 成大法學
出版單位 國立成功大學法律學研究所;成大法學編輯委員會
期數 202006 (39期)
DOI 10.53106/168067192020060039004  複製DOI  DOI申請

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