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論Carl Schmitt憲政秩序思想
On Carl Schmitt's Idea of the Constitutional Order
作者 陳宗憶
中文摘要 Carl Schmitt憲政秩序思想是「憲法」思想的展現,並作為一種法學思維,更隱含合法性與正當性之間的論辯。依此而論,任何憲政秩序不必然是保障自由民主價值的法秩序,但必然是具體政治秩序,即由人民敵友區分決斷所產生的秩序,其守護繫於人民的政治性決斷。若以Carl Schmitt憲政秩序思想解讀我國自由民主憲政秩序,將使其不僅是彰顯自由民主價值的法秩序,更是蘊含由人民敵友區分決斷所形成的具體政治秩序,而唯有藉此理解我國自由民主憲政秩序,才有可能真正地守護我國得來不易的自由民主憲政秩序。
英文摘要 Carl Schmitt's idea of the constitutional order is the expression of the idea of the “constitution” and as a legal thinking, and further implies the argument between legality and legitimacy. In this light, any constitutional order is not necessarily a legal order that guarantees the values of freedom and democracy, but it must be a concrete political order. In other words, a concrete political order created by the decision of the people's distinction between friend and enemy is guarded by the people's political decision. If our country's free and democratic constitutional order is interpreted with Carl Schmitt's idea of the constitutional order, it will make the order not only a legal order that manifests the values of freedom and democracy, but also a concrete political order formed by the decision of the people's distinction between friend and enemy. Only with this understanding of our country's free and democratic constitutional order can it be possible to truly safeguard our country's free and democratic constitutional order that is not easy to obtain.
起訖頁 1-37
關鍵詞 憲政思想秩序思想憲政秩序思想自由民主憲政秩序具體政治秩序idea of the constitutionidea of the orderidea of the constitutional orderfree and democratic constitutional orderconcrete political order
刊名 成大法學
出版單位 國立成功大學法律學研究所;成大法學編輯委員會
期數 201906 (37期)
DOI 10.53106/168067192019060037001  複製DOI  DOI申請

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