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The Judgement of Foreseeability, Liable Parties and Criminal Negligence─A Study on the Akashi Beach Collapse Accident
作者 吳天雲
中文摘要 組織內部人員因為水平、垂直業務分工等因素,通常沒有具體預見造成災害之事故,難以說明何人應該負擔何種程度預見可能性始能成立過失犯。對此問題,本文考察所有權人(國家)與使用人(地方自治團體)能否預見發生沙灘陷沒致人於死之日本明石市沙灘陷沒事件,藉由日本實務與學說之檢討,考察適當之判斷方法。
英文摘要 Due to factors of horizontal, vertical division of labor and so on, people in the organization hardly foresee the accidents that cause disasters, which rarely evidences the relationship between the extent of foreseeability and criminal negligence. In response, this article investigates whether the owner (the state) and the user (local government) could have foreseen the beach collapse in Akashi City, Japan, which caused the death. Through the review of Japanese practice and theory, appropriate methods of judgment are suggested.
起訖頁 152-170
關鍵詞 過失預見可能性注意義務監督過失管理過失NegligenceForeseeabilityDue DiligenceConcurrence of NegligenceReliance Principle
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202409 (352期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593135208  複製DOI  DOI申請

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