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A Study on the Minimum Service Period Agreement with Reasonable Compensation-Comment on Taiwan High Court Tainan Branch Court Civil Judgment 108 Shang-Tzu No. 124
作者 洪瑩容
中文摘要 最低服務年限條款在實務上之運用行之有年,直到2015年12月勞基法修法,立法者始增訂勞基法第15條之1作為「最低服務年限條款」效力判斷之依據,在本次修法中,除了將過去較為熟知之「培訓型」最低服務年限條款納入本條規範外,尚增訂了「補償型」之最低服務年限條款。本文將著眼於「補償型」最低服務年限條款之適法性探討。於整理、觀察我國實務涉及「補償型」條款爭議之判決後,本文發現法院對此類條款尚未建立出較為明確之判斷標準,為此,本文擬從比較法的觀點,介紹德國實務對於「返還條款」之處理方式,以作為我國法制之借鏡。
英文摘要 In practice, minimum service period clauses have been used for many years. It wasn’t until the amendment of the Labor Standards Act in December 2015 that legislators added Article 15-1 to the Act as a basis for determining the validity of“minimum service period clauses.”This amendment included the previously well-known“training-type”minimum service period clauses and introduced the“compensation-type”minimum service period clauses. This article focuses on the legality of the“compensation-type”minimum service period clauses. Upon reviewing and observing court decisions related to disputes involving“compensation-type”clauses in our country, the author found that the courts have not yet established clear standards for judging such clauses. Therefore, this article aims to provide a comparative legal perspective by introducing how German jurisprudence handles“return clauses”as a reference for our legal system.
起訖頁 127-151
關鍵詞 勞基法第15條之1最低服務年限條款合理補償返還條款Article 15-1 of the Labor Standards ActMinimum Service Period AgreementReasonable CompensationRepayment Clauses
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202409 (352期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593135207  複製DOI  DOI申請

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