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A Practical Study on the Litigation of Reinstatement of Privately Owned Land Registered as State Owned Land after Taiwan’s Restoration—Centered on Constitutional Court Judgment No. 20 of 112
作者 楊智守
中文摘要 憲法法庭112年憲判字第20號判決重申人民私有土地所有權不受憑證繳驗結果影響,縱經國有登記,國家僅取得登記利益,真正所有人仍保有土地之所有權本身利益,並新增無民法消滅時效規定適用之情形,使私有土地真正所有人不再受時效限制,仍得請求國家塗銷登記,有助益名實相符之登記目的實現,並歸由法院判定真正權利歸屬。本判決雖未敘明國家在與人民間之私權爭議得否主張相關權利之審查基準,惟仍得以本判決理由架構出比較環節以為參考。至於真正所有人之認定,因憑證繳驗之基礎並非立於真正權利表徵,本判決所舉例示相關證據是否為法院援用以認定真正權利,以及人民請求國家塗銷登記能否適當回復其登記利益,均有待觀察後續發展。
英文摘要 Constitutional Court’s Judgment No. 20 of 112 reaffirms the people’s right to private land ownership, that even after state registration, the true owner still retains ownership of the land, and adds that in cases where no civil law statute of limitations applies, the true owner may request the state to cancel the registration, and that the court may determine the true right to be vested in the true owner. Although it does not specify the basis for the state’s examination of private disputes between the state and the people, the reasoning behind the judgment should be used as a reference, and it is yet to be observed whether or not the evidence given by the judgment can be used in court and whether or not the people’s interest in registration can be restored if the people request the state to cancel the registration, due to the lack of a symbol of the true right to be vested in the true owner.
起訖頁 24-37
關鍵詞 日治臺灣光復憑證繳驗時效消滅土地登記Japanese OccupationTaiwan RestorationCertificate of EntitlementExtinction of Statute of LimitationsLand Registration
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202409 (352期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593135202  複製DOI  DOI申請

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