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Property Law: Comparative, Empirical, and Economic Analyses-Implications for the Local Legal Community
作者 張永健
中文摘要 《物權法:比較、實證、經濟分析》(Property Law: Comparative, Empirical, and Economic Analyses)於2023年由英國劍橋大學出版。本文旨在扼要介紹本書的寫作背景、方法、數據、理論、核心洞見,並闡述在數個物權法議題上,此書如何能對臺灣的學說實務產生啟示:是否該引入人役權,尤其是居住權;是否該繼續擁抱物權行為無因性;時效取得制度如何轉型;越界建築規範隱含的雙層規範結構如何成為一般性的分析框架;能否透過解釋現行法,引入較有效率的共有物分割方式;遺失物拾得規則應否區別遺失物性質而有不同的報酬規範。
英文摘要 My book Property Law: Comparative, Empirical, and Economic Analyses was published by Cambridge University Press in 2023. This essay briefly summarizes the background, methods, data, theories, and core insights of this book. In addition, this essay describes how my book sheds light on the theories and practices of property law in Taiwan: for instance, whether personal easement (especially right of habitation) should be introduced; whether the non-causa principle and the concept of real agreements should continue to be embraced; how the acquisitive prescription doctrine should be transformed; how the two-tier structure implicit in the building encroachment doctrine can be generalized; whether a more efficient partition method for concurrently owned real property can be adopted through interpretations of the civil code; and the award regime in the finder doctrine should differ based on the nature of the lost-and-found things.
起訖頁 167-179
關鍵詞 物權行為無因性雙層規範結構後設規範機器學習效率Non-causa Principle in Real AgreementsTwo-tier StructureMeta LawMachine LearningEfficiency
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202408 (351期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593135111  複製DOI  DOI申請

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