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The Challenge of Generative AI for Criminal Practice
作者 張麗卿
中文摘要 生成式AI,在刑事實體法上可能產生業務、公務機密或個人隱私的洩露、智慧財產權侵害、使用與散播虛假訊息、提升網路犯罪強度等法律風險,我國普通刑法與附屬刑法已有相應的修法。
英文摘要 Generative AI, in criminal substantive law, may result in the disclosure of business, official secrets or personal privacy, infringement of intellectual property rights, the use and dissemination of false information, and the enhancement of the intensity of cybercrime, and other legal risks. Accordingly, Taiwan’s criminal law and subordinate criminal laws have been amended in response.
Generative AI is now also widely used in criminal practice. For example, it can be used to simulate crime scenes, drug factories, frauds, the organization of criminal groups, and even to predict the behavior of an attacker during investigations. In trials, it can also be used to assist in the drafting of judgments, which will pose new challenges for the criminal procedure law. It is necessary to build trustworthy generative AI norms to maintain the people’s trust in the judiciary. In the long run, the Basic AI Act should be formulated as a principle to improve the framework of AI legal system in Taiwan.
起訖頁 100-116
關鍵詞 生成式人工智慧假訊息深度偽造使用生成式AI參考指引人工智慧基本法Generative Artificial IntelligenceFalse InformationDeep FakeReference Guidelines for the Use of Generative AIthe AI Basic Act
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202408 (351期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593135107  複製DOI  DOI申請

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