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AI Fintech Supervision and Consumer Protection
作者 方元沂
中文摘要 近年來AI科技高速發展,在金融領域的應用更成重要趨勢,然而AI金融科技也為消費者帶來潛在風險,不當的AI金融科技有礙於普惠金融,在預防金融犯罪的原則下無故拒絕服務,或提供不合適的投資建議。鼓勵AI金融科技發展之際,如何有效管理衍生的消費者保護,是國際間各國監管單位的關注焦點。本文先介紹AI與AI金融科技的發展趨勢,探討AI金融科技的機會與風險,進一步分析國際上AI金融科技的監管方向與AI金融科技的消費者保護趨勢,最後比較分析我國對於AI金融科技監管與消費者保護規定。
英文摘要 In recent years, AI technology has developed rapidly, and its application in the financial field is an important trend, but AI fintech also brings potential risks to consumers. When encouraging the development of AI fintech, how to effectively manage the derived consumer protection is the focus of international regulators. This article first introduces the development trend of AI and AI fintech, discusses the opportunities and risks of AI fintech, further analyzes the international regulatory direction of AI fintech and the consumer protection trend of AI fintech, and finally compares and analyzes Taiwan’s regulations on AI fintech regulation and consumer protection.
起訖頁 71-83
關鍵詞 AI金融科技AI金融監管金融消者保護生成式AI歐盟AI法制AI FintechAI Financial SupervisionAI Financial Consumer Pro-tectionGenerative AIEU AI Act
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202408 (351期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593135105  複製DOI  DOI申請

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