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Application Issues of the Aggravated Penalty Provisions under Article 86 of the Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act-Guided by the judgment of the“Ziqiang Tunnel Speeding Case”
作者 張天一
中文摘要 近年為抗制日益嚴重的交通違規行為,於2023年對「道路交通管理處罰條例」進行修正,其中第86條係關於汽車駕駛人有特定之違規行為,因而致人受傷或死亡,應負刑事責任者,得對其加重刑罰之規定。於本次修正中,將加重處罰之違規事由增加為十類,大幅擴張適用範圍。
英文摘要 In recent years, to curb the increasingly severe traffic violations, the“Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act”was amended in 2023. Among these amendments, Article 86 pertains to the criminal liability of drivers who engage in specific violations resulting in injury or death, allowing for the imposition of aggravated penalties. This amendment expanded the types of violations subject to aggravated penalties to ten categories, significantly broadening the scope of application.
This article reviews the“Ziqiang Tunnel Drag Racing Incident”that occurred in 2018, analyzing the contentious points in the various court rulings to highlight the difficulties faced by current regulations in addressing serious dangerous driving behaviors. Furthermore, it explores the nature of the provisions in Article 86 of the“Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act,”clarifying the issues in its application and preliminarily exploring the future legislative policy direction for traffic crimes.
起訖頁 107-125
關鍵詞 妨害交通往來安全罪重大危險駕駛道路交通管理處罰條例第43條道路交通管理處罰條例第86條Crime of Obstructing Traffic SafetySerious Dangerous DrivingArticle 43 of the Road Traffic Management and Penalty ActArticle 86 of the Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202407 (350期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593135007  複製DOI  DOI申請

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