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The Intent of Property Crime: Past, Present and Future -Focusing on the Issue of temporary Misappropriation
作者 徐育安
中文摘要 本文基於對竊盜罪之沿革、學說與實務見解的討論與評析,企圖進一步探究不法所有意圖的內在結構,指出獲取利用意思與排除意思之間的連動關係,並試圖藉由暫時性盜用說明一個與傳統見解較為不同的思考方向,亦即不法意圖所具有的規範性格,尤其是在返還意思的討論上,可以清晰地呈現出不法意圖並非僅是單純的心理現象,而是進行規範性審查後的評價,企盼以此作為我國學說與實務日後解釋之參考。
英文摘要 Based on the analysis of the theoretical and practical opinions on the crime of theft, this article explores the internal structure of all illegal intentions and points out that there is a linkage between the will to exploit and the will to exclude.
This article also attempts to use the case of temporary misappropriation to illustrate a thinking direction that is different from the traditional view, that is, the normative character of illegal intention. Especially in the discussion of the will to return, it can be clearly shown that illegal intention is not simply psychological phenomena, but rather the evaluation of normative scrutiny. I hope this article can serve as a reference for future interpretations of our country’s doctrine and practice.
起訖頁 24-38
關鍵詞 竊盜罪暫時盜用不法所有意圖獲取利用意思排除意思TheftTemporary MisappropriationUnlawful IntentWill to ExploitWill to Exclude
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202407 (350期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593135002  複製DOI  DOI申請

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