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The Law Applicable to International Guarantee
作者 吳光平
中文摘要 國際借貸、國際買賣、國際工程以保證契約作為跨國借貸融資債務之擔保已廣為應用,使得保證逐漸成為保障跨國商業活動順利進行之融資工具,涉外保證所生爭議亦漸發生。本文論述涉外保證之法律適用,先分析保證之法律結構,並以此從理論與立法實務二方面探討保證契約之主觀準據法、保證契約之客觀準據法及保證契約之適用範圍,更探討連帶保證、獨立保證及最高限額保證等特殊保證形態之法律適用,再就我國涉外民事法律適用法第20條於涉外保證事件之解釋與適用加以分析,以提供我國法院實務可供參酌之建議。
英文摘要 This article discusses the law applicable to international guarantee. Firstly, this article analyzes how the applicable law of principal contract influence the choice of law for guarantee contract. Secondly, this article analyzes the rules of choice of law for guarantee contract and examines the applicable law in the absence of choice. After demonstrating how the applicable law determined, this article also analyzes the rules of choice of law for particular types of guarantee, especially joint guarantee, demand guarantee, and revolving guarantee. In final, this article makes suggestions for our courts to apply“Law Governing the Application of Laws to Civil Matters Involving Foreign Elements”in determining the law applicable to guarantee contract involving foreign elements.
起訖頁 147-159
關鍵詞 保證契約從屬性主觀準據法客觀準據法特殊保證Guarantee ContractSubservienceFreedom of ChoiceApplicable Law in the Absence of ChoiceParticular Types of Guarantee
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202406 (349期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593134909  複製DOI  DOI申請

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