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The Liability for Infringement and Compensation for Economic Benefits of Personality Rights under Artificial Intelligence Technology
作者 王怡蘋
中文摘要 2021年YouTuber小玉利用Deepfake技術,將多位名人臉部影像合成至日本色情影片,以製成猥褻影像,並上傳至網路雲端,招募會員收費觀看,引起社會大眾的高度關注。該案民事判決認定,被告應依民法第195條第1項規定賠償非財產上損害賠償。然而小玉的利用行為獲有經濟上之利益,因此本文關注的焦點在於被告得否請求財產上之損害賠償,以及應如何計算財產上之損害。
英文摘要 In 2021, YouTuber Xiao Yu used Deepfake technology to superimpose the faces of several celebrities onto Japanese pornographic videos to create obscene images. Then he uploaded them to the cloud, and recruited members to pay for viewing. This behavior has drawn significant public attention. According to Article 195, Paragraph 1 of the Civil Code the civil judgment in this case determined that the defendant should compensate for non-pecuniary damages. However, Xiao Yu’s actions resulted in economic benefits. Therefore, this article focus on whether the plaintiff can claim pecuniary damages from the defendant and how to calculate such pecuniary damages.
起訖頁 80-91
關鍵詞 深偽技術人格權經濟利益損害賠償類推授權金Deepfake TechnologyPersonality RightEconomic BenefitsCom-pensation for DamagesReasonable Royalty
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202406 (349期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593134905  複製DOI  DOI申請

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