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On House and Land Transactions Income Tax: Discussion of“On the Cost of selling Inherited or Gifted Real Estate”
作者 李嘉嬴
中文摘要 2016年1月1日不動產交易所得稅新制施行,將房屋與土地交易增益,按實際交易價格課徵所得稅。基於客觀淨額所得課稅原則,納稅義務人客觀上必要且合理範圍所投入之成本、費用或損失,即應予以減除。依此原則,個人出售「因繼承或受贈取得」之不動產,其成本擬制以「土地公告現值或房屋評定現值」認列,則無法求出「實際所得」,難能符合不動產交易所得「實價課稅」之基本要求,依此擬制之所得額為基礎所徵課之稅額,嚴重背離實質課稅及量能課稅原則,恐生絞殺性課稅之結果。
英文摘要 The integrated house and land new tax rate came into effect on January 1, 2016, imposing income tax on gains from the sale of houses and land based on the actual transaction price. Following the objective net income principle, the costs, expenses, or losses reasonably and necessarily incurred by the taxpayer within a certain scope should be deducted. According to this principle, when an individual sells real estate acquired through inheritance or gift, the costs is proposed to be based on the“The Current Value of the House and the Assessed Present Value of Land”which fails to determine the actual income, making it difficult to meet the basic requirements of capacity taxation for real estate transaction income. The tax amount based on this proposition is deviating severely from the Principle of Substantive Taxation and the ability-to-pay principle, potentially resulting in violation of Verbot der Erdrosselungssteuer.
起訖頁 117-133
關鍵詞 房地合一稅房地交易所得稅量能課稅實質課稅推計課稅House and Land Transactions Income TaxAbility to pay principlethe Principle of Substantive TaxationTax Estimation
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202405 (348期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593134807  複製DOI  DOI申請

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