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Economic Analysis as Guidelines for Criminal Legislation
作者 黃種甲
中文摘要 本文旨在介紹經濟分析如何檢驗刑事立法。經濟分析之理論基礎為效益主義,以決策後果之效率為據,並以社會福祉之增減評估特定制度是否可採。經濟分析引入經濟學之研究方法與洞見,具有解釋現行制度、預測制度下受規範者之行為改變,以及藉由社會福祉增減為制度作出應然指導之功能。在刑事法領域,經濟分析認為刑罰之目的主要在於嚇阻或隔絕行為人,避免其從事對於社會不效率之犯罪行為。其將刑罰視為矯治不效率行為之工具之一,並和其他法律內/外之手段進行比較,呼應了最後手段性的要求。最後,本文以本土實例說明,經濟分析可以如何用於檢驗刑事立法。具體言之,經濟分析可以分別檢驗行為規範以及制裁規範之效率,進而評判刑事立法是否妥適。
英文摘要 This article aims to introduce how economic analysis can be applied to examine criminal legislation. At its core, economic analysis relies on utilitarianism, assessing decisions based on the efficiency of their outcomes and evaluating legal frameworks by their contribution to social welfare. It leverages economic methods and insights to explain existing legal systems, predict changes in behavior, and offer normative recommendations grounded in social welfare considerations. Within criminal law, economic analysis views the objectives of criminal punishment-namely, deterring or incapacitating offenders-as essential to preventing socially inefficient crimes. It perceives criminal punishment as a tool to rectify inefficiency and assesses its effectiveness in comparison to other legal and extralegal measures. This approach aligns with the ultima ratio philosophy. Ultimately, this article demonstrates how economic analysis can validate the effectiveness or assess the efficiency of criminal legislation through specific local examples.
起訖頁 39-55
關鍵詞 法律經濟分析刑事立法學數理模型法學實證研究Economic Analysis of LawCriminal LegislationFormal ModelsEmpirical Legal Studies
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202405 (348期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593134803  複製DOI  DOI申請

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