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The Concept of Law, Legal Good and Criminal Legislation
作者 周漾沂
中文摘要 本文批判流行的實證主義式法益概念,並回歸Feuerbach的主觀權利理論,透過其所立基的Kant自由法概念,重新賦予法益具刑事立法批判能力的內涵,指出唯有具普遍有效性的個人權利及護衛個人權利的必要體制,始能成為刑法的適格法益。由於此二者為自由民主社會的基礎條件,從而刑法謙抑性的意涵應當是,只有在這些基礎條件受到破壞時,立法者才能以效果最為嚴厲的刑法予以干預。
英文摘要 This article criticizes the empirical concept of legal good and returns to Feuerbach’s theory of subjective rights based on Kant’s concept of freedom in law. The author argues that only individual rights and institutions guaranteeing these rights, which are the foundational conditions of a liberal democratic society, can be qualified legal goods in the criminal law. Therefore, the modesty of criminal law means that legislators should only intervene with the criminal law, when these legal goods are attacked.
起訖頁 6-18
關鍵詞 法概念法益刑事立法刑法謙抑性法權The Concept of LawLegal GoodCriminal LegislationThe Modesty of Criminal LawLaw/Right
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202405 (348期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593134801  複製DOI  DOI申請

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