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作者 林旺根
中文摘要 由於建築綜合設計以便留設開放空間,供通行或休憩使用,建築物興建規模越來越大,超高層、複合性或簇群式建築,形成地下層相通,地面層以上獨立之數幢、數棟公寓大廈已經非常普遍,為利於各自管理運作,2003年12月31日修正公寓條例增訂第26條,於一定條件下得分設管理組織,惟在實務運作上已出現許多問題,諸如,對於「幢」與「棟」之認定爭議;又如分割後各管委會彼此之關係為何,一旦面臨全體共用部分管理維護等課題,或涉及全體區分所有權人共同利益之事項,本條缺乏相關規範,在制度上是否妥適值得探討,本文爰以日本、法國之立法例加以比較,提出修法建議,供主管機關參酌。
英文摘要 Due to the integrated design of buildings to allow for open space for passage or recreational use, buildings are being constructed on an increasingly large scale. It is now very common for super high-rise, duplex buildings to form several apartments that are connected on the ground floor but are independent above. For the sake of smooth operation and management of the independent apartment in one duplex building, a new section 26 was added to the Condominium Administration Act Building Administration Division on December 31, 2003, which allows for the establishment of respective management organizations in one duplex building under certain conditions. However, many problems have emerged in legal practice, such as dispute over the definition of different quantifiers for apartment, the ambiguity of relationship among various management committees after partition, and the lack of relevant regulations in the event of facing issues concerning the management and maintenance of the common parts or matters involving the common interests of all owners of sub-divisions. This article would comment on the appropriateness of this amendment of the Act through a comparative study of similar examples of Japan and France legislation, and put forward proposals for further adjustment of the Act.
起訖頁 133-152
關鍵詞 公寓大廈超高建築複合使用分別管理管理委員會CondominiumHigh-rise BuildingsComposite UsesSeparate ManagementManagement Committees
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202402 (345期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593134508  複製DOI  DOI申請

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