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作者 許士宦
中文摘要 關於成年養子女宣告終止收養事件之定性及其適用之家事程序,本件最高法院大法庭裁定持與同院109年度台簡抗字第262號裁定不同之法律見解,既認該事件屬家事非訟事件,立法者已將此具訴訟性質事件予以非訟化審理,並認其雖依家事非訟程序為審判,但於程序上仍應交錯適用部分之訴訟法理。此項法律解釋符合家事法之法律文義、立法歷史、立法體系及法律目的,且有比較法可憑。據此,應依家事法之相關規定,進一步闡述此類真正訟爭事件如何交錯適用訴訟法理與非訟法理,以貫徹立法意旨。
英文摘要 Ruling No. 33 of the Grand Chambers, 2021 reckons that, now that the termination of adoption of adult adopted children is categorized as non-contentious family cases by the legislators, it should be dealt with in a non-contentious way regardless of its contentious nature. However, when dealing with such cases, courts should also apply contentious procedural theories to some extent. This opinion, though different from that adopted by Ruling No. 262 of the Supreme Court, 2020, is consistent with the legal text, legislative history, legislative system and purpose of the Family Law, and is also supported by comparative studies. Hence, in order to fully carry out the intent of the legislators, it should be further elaborated how contentious procedural theories and non-contentious procedural theories are intertwined in this type of genuine contentious cases in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Family Law.
起訖頁 23-40
關鍵詞 訴訟事件非訟化審理真正訟爭事件程序法理交錯適用法律解釋方法Dealing with Contentious Cases in Non-contentious WayGenuine Contentious CasesApplication of Different Procedural TheoriesInterpretation of Law
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202402 (345期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593134502  複製DOI  DOI申請

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