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Israel-Hamas Conflict in 2023–Perspectives of International Humanitarian Law
作者 蔡沛倫
中文摘要 以色列及以哈瑪斯為首的巴勒斯坦武裝團體之間的衝突於2023年10月7日升高後,衝突各方的行為均引發許多違反國際法之疑慮,就適用於武裝衝突情勢之國際人道法而言,雖然國際社會對於部分基本原則的拘束力有一定之共識,但就各項原則內涵的解釋、適用衝突性質、具體之標準及義務程度等,經常有許多不同意見,本文將在說明數項國際人道法之重要基本概念後,探討其適用於以哈衝突時可能出現的挑戰,以及現有資訊顯示出的違法疑慮。
英文摘要 Since the escalation of conflicts between Israel and Hamas-led Palestinian armed groups on October 7, 2023, many acts of conflicting parties have triggered concerns and accusations of international law violations. As for rules of international humanitarian law, which are applicable in armed conflicts, while the international community shares a certain level of consensus on the binding nature of a few fundamental principles, much disagreement regarding the interpretation of such principles, their applicability to different categories of conflicts, precise standards, and the extent of parties’obligations. This article will first identify some of the relevant fundamental notions of international humanitarian law. Then the challenges of their application to the Israel-Hamas conflict and potential violations based on existing public info will be explored.
起訖頁 202-220
關鍵詞 國際人道法武裝衝突區分原則比例原則攻擊預警原則Armed ConflictInternational Humanitarian LawPrinciple of DistinctionPrinciple of ProportionalityPrinciple of recautions in Attack
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202401 (344期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593134411  複製DOI  DOI申請

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