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The Application of the Provisions of Article 34-1 of the Land Act and the Dispute Concerning Private Rights
作者 陳立夫
中文摘要 為便利不動產所有權之交易,解決共有不動產之糾紛,並促進共有土地之有效利用及社會經濟之發展,爰於1975年7月修正土地法時,增訂土地法第34條之1規定;目前其第1項規定:「共有土地或建築改良物,其處分、變更及設定地上權、農育權、不動產役權或典權,應以共有人過半數及其應有部分合計過半數之同意行之。但其應有部分合計逾三分之二者,其人數不予計算。」此項規定排除民法第819條第2項及第828條第3項對於共有物(不動產)處分、變更、及設定地上權等負擔,應經共有人全體同意規定之適用。然歷來因共有人依本條項規定,以多數決對共有土地或建築改良物1全部為處分或設定負擔,發生共有人間〔即同意處分、設定負擔之共有人(多數共有人)與未同意之他共有人(少數共有人)間〕或共有人與登記機關間爭訟之事件,時而可見。本期土地法裁判精選以「以多數決對共有土地為處分或設定負擔與私權爭議」為題,擇錄關於共有人依土地法第34條之1第1項規就共有土地全部為處分或設定負擔,並申辦土地權利變更登記,而衍生他共有人不服登記機關所為登記處分之最高行政法院判決3則,並解說其相關法律議題。
英文摘要 According to the provisions of Article 34-1, Paragraph 1 of the Land Act, co-owners may dispose of, or create superficies, or servitude of real property over all the co-owned land by majority. In addition, when co-owners apply this provision of the Land Act and apply to the registration authority for registration of changes in land rights, it is common for co-owners who do not agree with the disposition or the establishment of other rights to raise objections to the registration authority. On the other hand, according to Article 57, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 3 of the Regulations of the Land Registration, if a land registration application case involves“a dispute between obligee, obligor or the third parties who have interests in the legal relationship relating to the application for registration.”In such circumstances, the registration authority shall state in writing the reasons and legal basis and reject the registration application.
Therefore, this article mainly explains the legal opinions of the Supreme Administrative Court when disputes arise regarding the application of the above-mentioned land Act and Regulations of the Land Registration.
起訖頁 183-201
關鍵詞 共有土地優先購買權土地登記土地權利變更登記私權爭議Co-Owned LandLand RegistrationRegistration of Changes in Land RightsPreferential RightDispute Concerning Private Rights
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202401 (344期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593134410  複製DOI  DOI申請

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