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Raise of the Legal Punishment for the Offense of Insult in Japan and Its Problems - About the Regulation Concerning Cyber- bullying and Cyberstalking
作者 黃士軒
中文摘要 本文以日本侮辱罪的法定刑提高為主題,先後說日本侮辱罪提高的社會背景,與理論上的問題(貳),再從與日本憲法上的基本權利如表現自由的關係,以及在網路騷擾固有的侵害性的對應解決等各點,說明日本刑法侮辱罪修正的問題(參),再基於網路騷擾行為的特性,簡要說關於網路騷擾行為的各種類型,以及其等之刑法規制的議題(肆)。
英文摘要 This article’s theme is on raise of penalties for the crime of insult in Japan. It discusses the social background of the social situation concerning crime of insult in Japan and the theoretical issues (II), and then surveys the legislative act from the perspective concerning the basic right of freedom of expression in the Japanese Constitution, and the perspective concerning the measures to be taken as respond to cyberbullying (III). Finally, based on the characteristics of online harassment, the article briefly discusses the regulation on online harassment (IV).
起訖頁 186-196
關鍵詞 網路騷擾網路霸凌外部名譽名譽感情灌爆CyberstalkingCyberbullyingExternal ReputationFeelings for ReputationBlow Up
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202312 (343期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593134312  複製DOI  DOI申請

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