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詐欺罪所謂重要事項之評價方法──以日本最高裁判所平成26 年3 月28 日二則判決為中心
The Valuation Method of Important Items in Fraud: Focusing on Two Cases of the Judgement of the Supreme Court of Japan on 28th March 2014
作者 吳天雲
中文摘要 近時我國實務援用日本實務之「重要事項」概念限制詐欺罪的成立範圍,但是何謂重要事項?似乎欠缺明確性,我國學說亦乏討論。對此問題,本文借助暴力團成員隱匿身分之日本最高裁判所平成26年3月28日的相異判決為例,考察重要事項之可能判斷方法。
英文摘要 The domestic law practice has recently employed the Japanese “important item” concept. This application confines the fraud cases. However, the definition of “important item” is to be confirmed. Due to the vagueness, the domestic theories fail to address this issue. Therefore, this article engages differentiated cases of the Judgement of the Supreme Court of Japan on 28th March 2014. Reviewing the fake identities used by gangsters, the previous cases shed light on the avenue for the valuation method of important items in fraud.
起訖頁 100-119
關鍵詞 詐欺罪重要事項財產損害舉動詐欺FraudImportant ItemPecuniary DamagesFraudulent Behavior
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202312 (343期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593134307  複製DOI  DOI申請

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