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A Study on the Reductions of Proof in the Civil Litigations -Focus on the Basic Legal Principles of Its Interpretations, Applications and Corretions
作者 劉明生
中文摘要 本文主要探討民事訴訟舉證減輕解釋、適用之基本法理與移動調整之必要性與方式。民事訴訟舉證減輕手段之間適用的關係與其基本法理如何?尤其第二階層與第三階層舉證減輕手段之間發生競合時應如何加以適用?民事訴訟於選擇適用第二階層舉證責任轉換之舉證減輕與第三階層舉證責任未轉換舉證減輕時,其應考量之因素為何?其實質理由為何?本文特別提出「民事訴訟舉證責任分配與舉證減輕三大階層與舉證減輕十二小階層」之新類型與體系。本文探究憲法基本原則、實體法與訴訟法實質理由根據,以及法學方法論等可作為民事訴訟舉證減輕解釋與適用之基本法理。除此之外,民事訴訟舉證減輕手段之解釋與適用,是否仍有衡量各舉證減輕手段所採用之實質理由與所採用相對應之舉證減輕方式、要件與效果之不同,而將各舉證減輕手段再區分為不同之小階層?現今民事訴訟於解釋與適用舉證減輕手段時,是否宜充分顧慮憲法上之基本權、舉證減輕之實質理由與考量之因素以及法學方法論,而綜合判斷於該具體事件中所採用之舉證減輕手段是否妥適?是否有不足補償或者過度補償之危險?倘若有不足補償或者過度補償之情形,法院是否宜透過「民事訴訟舉證責任分配與舉證減輕三大階層與舉證減輕十二小階層」,將特定措施或者將該舉證減輕措施調整至適當之舉證減輕措施?
英文摘要 This article mainly discusses the basic legal principles of interpretations and applications of the reductions of proof in the civil litigations and the necessity and methods of its corrections. What is the relationship between the applicable proof reduction means in the civil litigations and its basic legal principles? Especially when there is competition between the second level and the third level proof reduction means, how should they be applied? What factors should be considered in the civil litigation when choosing to apply the reduction of proof in the second level of the burden of proof that has been transferred or the reduction of the burden of proof in the third level that has not been transferred? What is the substantive reason? This article specifically proposes a new type and system of “the distribution of the burden of proof in the civil litigation and the three major levels of distribution of the burden of proof, its reductions and eleven small levels of its reductions”. This article explores the basic principles of the Constitution, the substantive grounds of substantive law and procedural law, and legal methodology, which can be used as basic legal principles for the interpretation and application of reductions of proof in the civil litigations.
起訖頁 78-99
關鍵詞 舉證責任舉證減輕基本法理舉證減輕之階層論舉證減輕之移動與調整Burden of ProofReduction of ProofBasic Legal PrinciplesLevels of Reduction of ProofCorrection of Reduction of Proof
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202312 (343期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593134306  複製DOI  DOI申請

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