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The Change of Use Assignment of Non-urban Land
作者 陳立夫
中文摘要 1970年代以前,我國土地利用之管制,僅針對都市計畫範圍內之都市土地;然因都市發展與產業結構轉變,結果都市以外之農地大量遭受不當轉用。於是,為促進土地及天然資源之保育利用,均衡人口及產業活動之合理分布,以加速並健全經濟發展,改善生活環境,增進公共福利,並有效防止自然災害之發生,乃於1974年1月31日制定公布區域計畫法,期在區域計畫引導下,對都市計畫範圍外之土地亦為有計畫之管制。
英文摘要 The non-urban land use control system, as stipulated in the Regional Planning Act and the Non-Urban Land Use Control Rules, is of important significance and status in Taiwan’s land use control. Therefore, this article mainly explains the current non-urban land use control system, and includes the Supreme Administrative Court’s 109 Shangzi No. 47 judgment, focusing on the issues involved in the change of use assignment of non-urban land. In addition, this article also points out several issues related to this judgment that deserve further consideration for reference.
起訖頁 174-183
關鍵詞 區域計畫非都市土地土地使用分區非都市土地變更編定法律保留原則Regional PlanNon-urban LandLand Use ZoningNon-urban Land Converting ClassificationPrinciple of Legal Reservation
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202311 (342期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593134211  複製DOI  DOI申請

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