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Renovation of the Procedure in the Second Instance—Construction of the Pyramidal Structure of the Court System in the Second Instance
作者 許士宦
中文摘要 民事訴訟程序自2000年即開始進行體制性變革,迄今已歷20餘年,居於金字塔型訴訟制度中間階層之第二審應如何改革,建構朝向事後審制發展之嚴格續審制,下可使第一審成為事實審審判中心,上可使第三審成為嚴格法律審,牽涉訴訟權之應有保障及司法制度之健全發展,本文檢討2020年民訴法修正草案所採上訴理由提出強制主義、書狀先行程序之失權效、訴之變更、追加及反訴之限縮以及更新權之嚴格限制,以解明將來第二審之訴訟結構。
英文摘要 Civil Procedure Rules in Taiwan have been undergoing mandatory reforms for more than 20 years since 2000. The issue of how to construct the second instance, which is in the middle of the pyramidal litigation structure, towards a restrictive continuous hearing system which can further make the first instance become the center of the trial of facts and the trail in the third instance a discretionary review, is relevant to the protection of the right to litigation and the stable development of the judicial system. In order to shed light on the structure of the future second instance trail, this article will review on the reforms adopted in the draft of the amendment to the Civil Procedure Rules of 2020, which includes mandatory presentation of the grounds for appeal, preclusion in preparatory proceeding by exchange of pleadings, restrain on amendment and supplement of pleadings and counterclaims, and limitation on presenting new means of attack and defense.
起訖頁 51-70
關鍵詞 嚴格續審制上訴理由提出強制主義失權校別訴提起限制更新權限制Restrictive Continuous Hearing SystemMandatory Presentation of the Grounds for AppealPreclusionCollateral EstoppelLimitation on Presenting New Means of Attack and Defense
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202311 (342期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593134204  複製DOI  DOI申請

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