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生成AI ChatGPT之運用與個人資料保護
Personal Data Protection Related to the Use of AI ChatGPT
作者 范姜真媺
中文摘要 生成AI ChatGPT可謂為2023年上半年最受矚目之科技發展,其影響層面非常大,甚至將引起企業經營、行政營運、教育學習、文學、藝術作品產出方式等之革命性變革,但同時伴隨許多風險將威脅基本人權、社會秩序、著作權等。本文說明生成AI ChatGPT之構成與運作方式,及其發生之風險,分析其所涉及個資法之問題,介紹日本個人情報保護委員會為此公布之注意提醒。
英文摘要 Generative AI ChatGPT be known as the most noteworthy technological development in the first half of 2023.According to user’s question or operating instruction, Generative AI ChatGPT can output article-style response, or complete reports about reading experience, event planning, make a picture etc. It has changed the way of people work and learn. At the same time There are many risks those will threaten human rights, social order, copyright, etc. This article first explain the risks caused by using generative AI ChatGPT, and international countermeasures, Then the issues related to Personal data protection Act when generative AI ChatGPT is exploited, and introduces the precautions issued by the Japan Personal Information Protection Commission.
起訖頁 26-35
關鍵詞 生成AI大規模語言模型廣島AI進程(process)個人資料保護日本情報保護委員會注意提醒AI ChatGPTPersonal Data Protection ActLarge Language ModelHiroshima AI ProcessPersonal Information Protection Commission
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202310 (341期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593134102  複製DOI  DOI申請

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