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The Distribution of Compensation Land in Zone Expropriation
作者 陳立夫
中文摘要 因「新設都市地區之全部或一部,實施開發建設」等情形,得為區段徵收1(土地徵收條例第4條)。實施區段徵收時,有關其徵收補償,係準用土地徵收條例第30條至第34條規定辦理(土地徵收條例第48條);而其中關於地價補償部分,並得由土地所有權人申請以區段徵收規劃整理後之可供建築土地(即所謂「抵價地」)折算抵付2(同條例第39條第1項)。
英文摘要 The zone expropriation is a unique type of land expropriation in Taiwan’s land expropriation system, in that the owner of the expropriated land can apply for compensation land as compensation for the expropriation. However, the regulations and implementation of the zone expropriation actually contain many problems, which lead to frequent controversies and criticisms.
Recently, the Taipei High Administrative Court’s Judgment No. 83 of 109th year, concerning the dispute over the distribution of compensation land in zone expropriation, is worth noting for its legal insights. Therefore, this article selects this judgment to explain the key points and problems of the distribution of compensation land in zone expropriation for reference.
起訖頁 165-176
關鍵詞 土地徵收區段徵收抵價地法律保留原則法律授權明確性原則比例原則Land ExpropriationZone ExpropriationCompensation LandPrinciple of Legal ReservationPrinciple of the Explicit DelegationPrinciple of Proportionality
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202309 (340期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593134010  複製DOI  DOI申請

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