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The Necessity and Advocacy for the Formulation of Artificial Intelligence Basic Act in Taiwan
作者 張麗卿周伯翰林勤富吳振吉王紀軒洪兆承陳俊榕韓政道朱宸佐
中文摘要 現在,人類文明已經邁入人工智慧時代,世界的主要國家或地區,均重視人工智慧的發展。2018年起臺灣也將「智慧國家」列為施政目標,以半導體等科技優勢,鏈結交通、醫療、金融等產業,期許躋身尖端人工智慧國家之林。發展人工智慧,固然能為社會帶來助益,但也可能產生負面影響及風險,如隱私侵害、偏見歧視、工作變遷、不公平競爭等。是故,在人工智慧發展過程中,應確立價值標準及國家政策等重要事項,方能興利除弊,完善人工智慧發展環境。對此,本研究團隊建議,應制定「人工智慧基本法」,使臺灣高科技發展得以呼應當前國際規範趨勢。本文扼要闡述本研究團隊的草案版本,並於文末附上立法草案總說明、草案條文等的相關資料,希望對於人工智慧基本法的制定,能有所貢獻。
英文摘要 Now that human civilization has entered the era of artificial intelligence (AI), major countries or regions in the world have attached importance to the development of AI. Since 2018, Taiwan has also made ’’Smart Taiwan’’ as its policy objective, aiming to leverage its technological advantages in semiconductors and other areas to connect industries such as transportation, healthcare, and finance, aspiring to become a leading nation in the field of cutting-edge artificial intelligence. The development of AI can certainly bring benefits to society, but it may also have negative impacts and risks, such as privacy infringement, bias discrimination, job displacement, and unfair competition. Therefore, in the process of AI development, it is critical to establish value standards and national policies and other important matters to promote advantages and mitigate disadvantages, in order to improve the environment for AI development. In light of this, the research team suggests formulation of the“Artificial Intelligence Basic Act”to align Taiwan’s high-tech development with current international norms. This article provides a concise overview of the draft version proposed by the research team, with relevant information such as a general explanation of the legislative proposal and the draft’s provisions attached at the end, hoping to contribute to the formulation of the AI Basic Act.
起訖頁 79-101
關鍵詞 基本法人工智慧以人為本永續發展普惠人民Basic ActArtificial IntelligenceHuman-centered ValuesSustainable ValuesInclusive Values
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202309 (340期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593134005  複製DOI  DOI申請

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