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Building Governmental Capacity for Climate Emergency: Broad Delegation and Fragmented Organization of the Climate Change Response Act
作者 林春元
中文摘要 甫通過的氣候變遷因應法,為臺灣的氣候政策邁出一大步。然而,面對氣候緊急的需求,氣候變遷因應法能否有效提升政府能力、加速臺灣氣候轉型?
英文摘要 The newly enacted Climate Change Response Act has provided a normative basis toward net-zero emissions. However, whether the Act builds the necessary capacity to speed up Taiwan’s climate transition to fulfill the need for climate emergency?
Considering the context of the climate emergency, this article examines the Climate Change Response Act from the aspects of power-delegation and organizations. This article suggests that broad delegation could be pragmatic to address the climate emergency. The problem lies in the absence of short-term GHG emission reduction targets, adequate public supervision, proper organization, and capacity-building, which may significantly deter Taiwan from speeding up its climate transition.
起訖頁 50-63
關鍵詞 氣候變遷制度量能氣候主流化氣候緊急淨零排放Climate ChangeCapacity-BuildingClimate MainstreamingClimate EmergencyNet-Zero Emission
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202309 (340期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593134003  複製DOI  DOI申請

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