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Prosecute for the Registration of Cancellation of the National Land Ownership
作者 陳立夫
中文摘要 土地法第12條規定:「(第1項)私有土地,因天然變遷成為湖澤或可通運之水道時,其所有權視為消滅。(第2項)前項土地,回復原狀時,經原所有權人證明為其原有者,仍回復其所有權。」近10餘年來,關於土地法第12條第2項規定引生之爭訟事件頻起。
英文摘要 This article focuses on the Supreme Court 112 Tai Shang Zi No. 639 civil judgment and explains its content. The judgment in this case pointed out that the land that was originally privately owned during the Japanese rule period was designated as a river area, and its ownership registration was cancelled. After the recovery of Taiwan, the general registration of land has not been completed in accordance with the law, but when the land is restored to its original state, before the registration authority registers the land as national property, it should still carry out the procedure of public notice of land deemed to be ownerless land as stipulated in Article 57 of the Land Law, so that the original landowners can exercise their rights in a timely manner. Therefore, this article focuses on two main points:firstly, to explain the difference between the general registration of land and the initial registration of land ownership; and secondly, when the original landowner exercise the petition right on property and request the cancellation of the registration of the ownership of national land, the national land administration authority argues that the statute of negative prescription has expired, and whether this violates the principle of good faith.
起訖頁 181-196
關鍵詞 土地總登記土地所有權第一次登記無主土地塗銷登記物上請求權消滅時效誠信原則General Registration of LandInitial Registration of Land OwnershipOwnerless LandRegistration of CancellationPetition Right on PropertyNegative PrescriptionPrinciple of Good Faith
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202307 (338期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593133810  複製DOI  DOI申請

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