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Analysis of the Legal Framework about Deepfake Technology in Taiwan
作者 李岳軒
中文摘要 臺灣於2021年底爆發了「網紅換臉色情片群組」事件,使深度偽造技術濫用議題受到空前的關注。法務部與行政院亦於2021年底與2022年3月,公布深度偽造影像的管制與處罰的修法方向與刑法修正草案,且該草案於2023年1月7日經立法院三讀通過。
英文摘要 Deepfake is a technology that uses artificial intelligence (machine deep learning) to produce fake but almost realistic images and videos. Recently, with the continuous development of such technology, countries around the world began to notice the potential harm through the misuse of deepfake technology. At the end of 2021, the“Deepfake sex tape chatroom scandal”attracted the attention of society. Lawmakers in Taiwan were asked to develop relevant penalties and regulations toward such deepfake materials. The Taiwan Ministry of Justice submitted a bill targeting deepfakes to the Executive Yuan in November 2021 and the Executive Yuan further announce a bill to amend the current Criminal Code in March 2022. That bill was approved by the Legislative Yuan and became a part of the Criminal Code
The potential harms of deepfakes could be divided into two main categories: those deepfake content related to“sex”and those related to“misinformation”. Based on these two categories, this article will introduce the current development of deepfake regulations in the United States, Korea, China, and the Europe Union. Furthermore, this article analyzes the current law and the new bill presented by the Taiwan Ministry of Justice submitted and Executive Yuan in a comparative law aspect. Finally, this article will discuss the future of Taiwan’s deepfake regulations by presenting the possibilities and importance of establishing platform responsibilities and technological ethics.
起訖頁 130-146
關鍵詞 深度偽造報復性色情數位性暴力假訊息刑法DeepfakeRevenge PornOnline Gender-based ViolenceMisinfor-mationCriminal Law
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202307 (338期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593133807  複製DOI  DOI申請

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