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The Fourth Review on the Adjudication of Civil Grand Chambers in the Supreme Court: Case of“Including the Offset Amount into the Calculation of Appealable Interest”
作者 吳從周林彥丞
中文摘要 本文以最高法院民事大法庭「110年度台上字第279號提案裁定及提案更正裁定」為核心,探究被告主張抵銷抗辯,經法院審理認抵銷債權不存在之情形,「一、上訴利益是否併計抵銷債權」之爭議。然而,此問題背後更為重要者,毋寧是「二、上訴裁判費用是否併計抵銷債權」之疑義。
英文摘要 This article centers around“the ruling on the proposal and the correction of the proposal of Tai-Shang-Zi No. 279 (2021)”of Civil Grand Chambers in the Supreme Court. It studies“whether the offset amount shall be included into the calculation of appealable interest (issue No.1)”when the court finds that the defendant’s defenses on offsetting do not exist after adjudication. However, there is a more critical issue behind this question:“whether the offset amount shall be included in the calculation of appeal court fees (issue No. 2).”
From the perspective of comparative law, German law has no dispute regarding“issues No. 1.”In Japan, the current law does not adopt“the policy that restricts appeals by claim amount.”Therefore, there is no controversy on whether the offset amount shall be included in the calculation of appealable interest. However, both court precedents and mainstream doctrines recognize that an offsetting defense constitutes an exception to“the doctrine of appeal based on formalities”and that the defendant still has an appealable interest. Our legal practice recognizes the res judicata of offsetting defenses in situations where“the plaintiff’s right exists, and the defendant’s offsetting right also exists”and where“the plaintiff’s right exists, but the defendant’s offsetting right does not exist.”Based on such a premise, this article argues that from the view of“substantial appealable interest,”because the defendant cannot file a separate lawsuit concerning the offsetting right, it is reasonable to include the offset amount in the calculation of appealable interest.
“Issue No. 2”was once controversial in German law, with the Grand Chambers of Germany adopting a negative view, while later, the laws were amended to adopt a positive view. After our Grand Chambers of the Supreme Court ruled on the former proposal (issue No. 1), the court which proposed it added this question of law, demonstrating that the Supreme Court is aware that“issue No. 2”is the heart of the matter. In Japan, where there is no similar legal system concerning the expense of litigation to German law, scholars consider that it is challenging to derive a positive view through interpretation methods and that it is appropriate to solve the problem by amending the law. This article argues that, under the current law of our country, because court fees have the nature of“judicial tax”and there are no relevant provisions in our Code of Civil Procedure on the expense of litigation like in German law, it is not advisable to adopt a positive view by interpretation. Specifying the constituent elements by legislation is advisable to avoid disputes and pursue clarity.
起訖頁 29-57
關鍵詞 上訴利益裁判費訴訟標的價額抵銷抗辯既判力Appealable InterestCourt FeesValue of ClaimDefense on OffsettingRes Judicata
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202307 (338期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593133802  複製DOI  DOI申請

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