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Objective Scope of Enforcement Force’s Extension of Judicial foreclosure Decisions of Line of Credit Mortgages-Comments on the Civil Judgment Filed 2021 Tai-Kang-Da-Tzu No. 1069 to the Civil Grand Chamber of the Supreme Court
作者 許士宦
中文摘要 最高法院民事大法庭110年度台抗大字第1069號裁定闡述最高限額抵押權之公實行程序,於其前階段非訟法院循非訟程序所作成准許拍賣裁定之效力,可擴及於聲請債權以外其餘受擔保債權;於其後階段執行法院在開啟執行程序前,應對該債權為形式上審查,彰顯我國權利判定與執行機關、程序之連攜、協力關係,異於德、日兩國就此二者所採分離或合一之擔保執行制度。此項執行力客觀範圍擴張制度,在比較法上殊具特色,得以公正、迅速、經濟及有效實現抵押權。
英文摘要 This ruling of the Civil Grand Chamber of the Supreme Court explains the public enforcement procedure of line of credit mortgages : The effect of a judicial foreclosure decision made by a non-contentious court in non-contentious proceedings at the previous stage may be extended to the remaining claims secured by such line of credit mortgages in addition to the claims claimed by the creditor. Then, before the enforcement court starts the enforcement process at the following stage of the entire procedure, the enforcement court should carry out formal examination on the debt. The system mentioned above makes it clear that the collaborative relationship between the right determination authority and the enforcement authority in our country is different from the separate or unified guarantee enforcement systems adopted in Germany and Japan. This system of objective scope of enforcement force’s extension is unique in comparative law and also allows for a fair, expeditious, economical and efficient realization of mortgages.
起訖頁 6-28
關鍵詞 最高限額抵押權形式審查論執行力客觀範圍擴張權利判定機關與執行機關分離原則Line of Credit MortgagesFormal ExaminationObjective Scope of Enforcement Force’s ExtensionThe principle of Separation between the Right Determination Authority and the Enforcement Authority
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202307 (338期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593133801  複製DOI  DOI申請

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