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Similar Fact Evidence in Criminal Procedure
作者 黃鼎軒
中文摘要 為使國民能夠有效參與刑事審判,必須在準備程序階段,先就證據有無證據能力,以及調查必要性進行判斷。然而,在日本裁判員制度中,關於是否得以提出涉及與公訴事實相類似之事實,即「類似事實」;抑或可否提出被告過去之前科證據,即「性格證據」用來作為本案犯罪事實時,即成為訴訟攻防重點。對此,本文先闡述區分證據關聯性、證據調查必要性以及調查證據所產生弊害之內涵後,以其作為從準備程序中法院篩選證據之標準;再藉由上開討論,除借鏡美國法外,更進一步分析日本裁判員制度中,應如何提出類似事實證據,用以作為認定犯罪事實之依據。
英文摘要 In order for a citizen to effectively participate in a criminal trial, a determination must be made at the preliminary proceedings as to whether the evidence is admissible or not, and the courts shall consider the necessity of the evidence investigation in accordance. However, in the Japanese Saibanin system, it is important to consider whether facts similar to the facts, which can be presented, i.e., “Similar Fact Evidence,” or whether evidence of the defendant’s prior convictions, i.e., “Bad Character Evidence,” can be presented as the facts of the crime in this case. In this regard, this article first explains the distinction between the relevance of evidence, the necessity of the evidence investigation in accordance, and the dangerous caused by the investigation of evidence, and then uses them as criteria for the selection of evidence by the court in the preliminary proceeding. In this regard, this article first explains how the Japanese Saibanin system should present Similar Crimes Evidence as a basis for determining the facts of a crime.
起訖頁 171-188
關鍵詞 證據關聯性證據調查必要性前科證據性格證據類似事實證據Necessary of Investigate EvidenceTest for Relevant EvidenceSimilar CrimesBad Character EvidenceSimilar Fact Evidence
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202306 (337期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593133711  複製DOI  DOI申請

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