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Appellate Review of the Findings of Fact by the Criminal Trials with the Participation of Citizen Judge
作者 蔡羽玄
中文摘要 國民法官法剛剛上路,第二審是否撤銷第一審之事實認定,牽動人民對於國民參與審判新制觀感,影響司法信賴,至關重要,審查標準為何,自應確立。美國法之人民參與審判、上訴審之事後審查等制度已運作多年,經驗甚豐,殊值我國法參考。本文介紹美國法上訴審查標準之基本類型、上訴審對於原審事實認定之不同審查標準、原理,並對照我國法規定,探討國民參與審判第二審之事實審查標準之建立,並提出建議,以供日後實務運作及修法參考。
英文摘要 Judge” and affect the public’s confidence in the judiciary. Since the standard of review is a threshold issue in an appellate decision, the standard of review should be established clearly. In American law, related issues including judicial review of jury verdicts have been extensively and deeply discussed. Also, the system of the jury has been in operation for hundreds of years in the United States of America. Accordingly, the solid theoretical basis and rich experience are worthy to study. This article thus introduces the basic standards of review in American law and discusses whether it is feasible to adopt in our legal system. Moreover, by comparing and learning American law, this article tries to construct different levels of standards of review in the new system of the Citizen Judges Act. We look forward to this article will provide practical reference and will affect the law in the future.
起訖頁 105-124
關鍵詞 國民法官上訴審審查標準事後審查事實審查Citizen JudgeJuryAppellate ReviewStandards of ReviewFactfinding
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202306 (337期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593133707  複製DOI  DOI申請

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