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The Opportunities and Challenges of WTO Transparency Mechanism During the COVID-19 Epidemic–Focusing on the Notification Obligations
作者 楊健弘
中文摘要 WTO透明化機制旨在確保貿易法規之公開透明及可預測性以減少爭端,諸多WTO內括協定訂有透明化條款,規定影響貿易之新訂或修訂法規須履行公告、通知、提供草案、接受評論等義務。然而,WTO會員履行透明化義務之成效不彰,因此部分會員提出透明化機制改革提案,盼該機制能發揮其應有之作用。此外,新冠肺炎疫情期間會員實施諸多限制國際貿易之法規及措施,從口罩、醫材進出口到專利授權,涉及諸多WTO協定。而諸多會員窮於因應疫情而未能及時履行通知義務,使得透明化機制更受挑戰。本文首先綜覽WTO透明化條款,並聚焦通知義務相關規定以及會員於疫情期間之實踐情形。另檢視透明化機制改革之最新提案,並觀察提案是否回應當前疫情對於開發中會員所造成之困難。而後分析通知義務於疫情期間之挑戰與機會。最後對於後疫情時代強化通知義務之方法提出建議。
英文摘要 The WTO transparency mechanism aims to ensure the trade regulations are open, transparent, and predictable. Many WTO agreements contain transparency provisions, which stipulate WTO Member’s obligations that new or amended regulations affecting trade must be published, announced, and notified, etc. However, numerous Members did not satisfy their transparency obligations and thus some Members have circulated communications for reforming the transparency mechanism, hoping that the mechanism can play its due role. The COVID-19 epidemic made the transparency mechanism even more challenged. During the epidemic, Members implemented many trade-restricted regulations and measures, but few of them fulfilled their notification obligations because of lack of capacity and resources. Under this background, this article first introduces the WTO’s transparency provisions, including GATT Article XI, TBT, and SPS, and reviews the latest Member communications for reform of the transparency mechanism. Then analyze the challenges and opportunities of notification obligations during the epidemic. Finally, this article made suggestions for ways to strengthen the notification obligation in the postepidemic era.
起訖頁 85-104
關鍵詞 通知義務透明化機制WTO改革數量限制TBT協定SPS協定新冠肺炎TransparencyWTO ReformNotification ObligationsCOVID-19TBTSPS
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202306 (337期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593133706  複製DOI  DOI申請

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