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The Ground and Interpretation for Article 150 of Criminal Code
作者 周漾沂
中文摘要 本文主張刑法第150條聚眾施強暴脅迫罪屬於溝通犯,其不法內涵不在於創造針對不特定多數人之個人法益的危險性,而在於透過群體暴力的公開展示破壞公共安寧,亦即引發公眾被害聯想,進而動搖公眾關於人身安全的認知穩定性,最終影響公眾從事社會交往的意願。依此觀點解釋本罪構成要件,施強暴脅迫之成立,必須符合攻擊或攻擊訊息的傳達、攻擊對象的不特定性與隨機性、適於引發公眾被害聯想與動搖認知穩定性、與群體運作具有合理關聯性四個要素。而在場助勢之成立,僅需參與者在場順應群體而活動即為已足,不以有積極幫助行為為必要。
英文摘要 Article 150 of the Criminal Law, the offense of gathering for violence or threat, is a communication-offense. The legal good of this offense is public peace. The offender overturns the public’s cognitive stability about personal safety, and ultimately affects the public’s willingness to engage in social interactions. All the elements of this offense must be interpreted by virtue of this view.
起訖頁 65-84
關鍵詞 聚眾施強暴脅迫罪妨害秩序罪公共安全公共安寧Offense of Gathering for Violence and ThreatOffenses of Interference with Public OrderPublic SafetyPublic Peace
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202306 (337期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593133705  複製DOI  DOI申請

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