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Recent Developments in German and Taiwanese Civil Law Regarding Clausula Rebus Sic Stantibus
作者 彭鳳至
中文摘要 環境因素,能不能影響契約效力?自古即為爭議問題。臺民§ 227-2第1項,基於民法形式主義的立法基本精神,採取客觀的情事變更原則理論,解決部分問題。德國民法,在體系轉趨實質正義取向後,將主觀的法律行為基礎制度於德民§ 313成文法化,更為全面的解決相關問題。若以等同德民§ 313之規範內涵為臺民目標,則除經由立法,或運用誠實信用原則累積個案裁判方式,弭平臺德現行民法體系差異之途徑外,難以漏洞補充擴大臺民§ 227-2第1項規範範圍之方法為之。
英文摘要 Can circumstantial factors affect the validity of a contract? The question has been a controversial one for centuries. Art. 227-2 para. 1 of the Taiwan Civil Code follows the legislative principle of civil law formalism and adopts the doctrine of clausula rebus sic stantibus in its objective form to solve part of the problem. Following a systematic shift towards substantive justice, the German Civil Code has codified the subjective form of the system relating to the foundation of legal acts in its para. 313, which offers a more comprehensive solution to the related problems. If the goal is for the Taiwan Civil Code to achieve the same normative scope of para. 313 of the German Civil Code, the existing differences between the civil law systems of Taiwan and Germany would need to be bridged by means of legislation or the accumulation of case law through the use of the principle of good faith. The expansion of the normative scope of Art. 227-2 para. 1 of the Taiwan Civil Code by means of closing legal loopholes would not be suitable.
起訖頁 30-50
關鍵詞 環境對契約效力的影響臺民第227條之2第1項情事變更原則德民第313條法律行為基礎制度Impact of Circumstantial Factors on the Validiy of ContractsArt. 227-2 para. 1 Taiwan Civil CodeClausula Rebus Sic CtantibusPara. 313 German Civil CodeSystem Relating to the Foundation of Legal Acts (Geschäftsgrundlage)
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202306 (337期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593133703  複製DOI  DOI申請

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