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A Study on the Inheritance and Equality of Succession Right of the Ancestor Worship Guild─Commentary on No.1 Judgment of the Constitution Court in 2023
作者 鄧學仁
中文摘要 祭祀公業派下權之重點在於子孫是否認同並參與祭祀祖先之活動,而非受限於子孫的性別與姓氏。所以僅男系子孫始得成為祭祀公業派下員之傳統論點,已因社會變遷失其存在基礎。祖先應該由有意願慎終追遠之子孫來祭拜,而非單純依性別來限制,故有關派下員資格不論是否有規約存在,皆應依民法規定之繼承事實,不分性別當然取得。
英文摘要 The essence of the succession right of the ancestor worship guild is the willingness of a descendant to approve and participate in the activities of ancestor worship rather than concerns over the gender identities or surname of the descendants. Therefore, the tradition practice that only a male decedent can serve as the successor of the worship guild has lost its legitimacy in the contemporary society. Ancestor worship should be carried out by sincere offspring with willingness without any limits based on gender considerations. Accordingly, the qualifications of a successor of ancestor worship shall be decided by the Civil Code without gender exceptions.
Moreover, the property benefits that a female descendant has been deprived of by the old practice should be deemed as “legal interests” to be protected under the present law. In other words, the said deprived benefits of a female descendant shall still be protected by the amended “Act for Ancestor Worship” under the principle of legitimate expectation, and thus a concerned female descendant should retain the property benefits she should have had enjoyed under the old law. This paper thus argues that the succession rights acquired by (female) members of a worship guild before the amendment of the said Act shall not be affected. It may avoid unnecessary disputes or litigations between the parties as to whether there are “present interests” to urge for.
起訖頁 6-14
關鍵詞 祭祀公業派下權民事習慣繼承性別平等法律不溯及既往原則Succession Right of the Ancestor Worship GuildCivil CustomsInheritanceGender EqualityPrinciple of Non-retroactivity
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202306 (337期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593133701  複製DOI  DOI申請

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