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An Analysis of the Structure of the Sex-based Employment Discrimination System in Mainland China and the Resolution of the Dilemma
作者 楊浩楠
中文摘要 性別就業歧視同時侵犯公民的平等權和勞動權,是各國反就業歧視制度規制的重中之重。中國大陸反性別就業歧視制度由勞動法和特殊群體權益保障法構成,其實體法結構已基本同國際接軌,並具有保護措施豐富、保護階段完整、以準司法和司法救濟為主之特徵。司法實踐表明雇員舉證責任畸重、雇主法律責任畸輕、性別歧視概念外延過窄是該制度失靈之成因。為充分實現公民的平等就業權,可在適度參酌域外經驗的基礎上透過擴展性別歧視概念外延、建立舉證責任轉移機制、針對性加大雇主法律責任、疏通行政救濟管道等對策消解該制度困境。
英文摘要 Sex discrimination in employment violates both citizens’ equality rights and labor rights, and is the most important aspect of the employment discrimination system in each country. The mainland China’s sex-based employment discrimination system consists of labor law and law on the protection of the rights and interests of special groups, and its actual legal structure is basically in line with international standards, featuring abundant protection measures, complete protection stages, and quasi-judicial and judicial relief. Judicial practice has shown that the system has failed because the burden of proof is too heavy for employees, the legal liability for employers is too light, and the concept of sex discrimination is too narrow. In order to fully realize citizens’ equal employment rights, the system’s dilemma can be resolved by extending the concept of sex discrimination, establishing a mechanism for transferring the burden of proof, increasing the legal liability for employers, and facilitating administrative relief channels, with appropriate reference to overseas experience.
起訖頁 136-151
關鍵詞 性別歧視平等就業權勞動法特殊群體權益保障法Sex DiscriminationEqual Employment RightsLabor LawLaw on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Special Groups
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202305 (336期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593133608  複製DOI  DOI申請

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