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Manufacturer of Goods in Service Lacking Safety Focusing on Civil Judgement of Taiwan Supreme Court (110) No. 1425 and (105) No. 1905
作者 蔡晶瑩
中文摘要 我國消費者保護法第7條至第10條規定商品製造人責任,保護之內容包含商品與服務之安全性,並為了減輕消費者之舉證上負擔,採無過失責任主義,然而對於「服務」並未在法條上給予明確定義,造成法規適用之困難。因此學者分別提出其對於「服務」概念之見解,定義上可區分為廣義說與限制說,由於廣義說對於服務完全未予設限之結果,無形中擴張了消費者保護法中商品製造人責任規定之適用範圍,限制說則是限縮服務之適用範圍,在結果上較為合理。實務裁判中通常未給予服務直接之定義,而係依案件事實之具體情形,判斷企業經營者所提供之服務是否欠缺安全性,使得服務之概念依然具有討論之空間。
英文摘要 The responsibility of the manufacturer of goods includes the safety of goods and services. In order to reduce the burden of proof on consumers, the Consumer Protection Act adopts strict liability. However, there is no clear definition of“service”in the law, which makes it difficult to apply the law. Scholars have different views on the concept of“service”, including the“broad interpretation”and the“limited interpretation”. The application of the“broad interpretation”has invariably expanded the scope of responsibility of the manufacturer of goods in the Consumer Protection Law, while the“limited interpretation”seems to be more reasonable in limiting the scope of services. Rather, the Judgements usually determine whether the services provided by the entrepreneur are unsafe or not through the specific circumstances of the case, leaving room for discussion of the concept of service.
起訖頁 36-46
關鍵詞 服務之定義服務欠缺安全性無過失責任主義營業場地之安全性商品製造人責任Definition of ServiceService Lacking SafetyStrict LiabilitySafety of PremisesResponsibility of Manufacturer of Good
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202305 (336期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593133602  複製DOI  DOI申請

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