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A Preliminary Study on AI-generated Works and Copyright Protection: Revisiting the Originality Doctrine and the Authorship Requirement under the U.S. Copyright Law
作者 黃絜
中文摘要 現行著作權法及理論之「原創性」要件及「著作必源出於人類作者」之前提設定,已因人工智慧生成作品(Artificial intelligence-generated works, AI-generated works)之出現而面臨挑戰。藉由描繪系爭技術出現,就人們得以「從事哪些新活動或新行動」、「製造哪些新產品」及「形成哪些新關係」三方面產生之衝擊,本文將指出「人工智慧生成作品是否具著作適格」、「人工智慧生成作品之作者/著作人應為何者」及「人工智慧生成作品之權利歸屬應如何配置」,乃系爭技術就現行著作權法形成之三則挑戰問題,第一則問題尤其反映現行原創性與作者身分要件適用於人工智慧生成作品時之不確定性。考量我國著作權法及其相關政策發展於戰後至今受美國著作權法影響甚廣,本文將介紹美國法律學界就現行原創性與作者身分要件釐清之建議,並嘗試適用系爭釐清建議於既有人工智慧生成作品事例,以供各界參考。
英文摘要 The emergence of artificial intelligence-generated works (AI-generated works) is challenging the originality and the authorship doctrines under the current copyright law and theory. By illustrating “what new activities or behaviors that people may perform,” “what new products people may make” and “what new relationship people may form” since AI art generators developed to the world, this article indicates the challenging questions for the existent copyright law are: “Whether an AI-generated work is copyrightable?” “Who is the author of the AI-generated work?” and “How to allocate the rights on the AI-generated work?” The first question shows the uncertainty of the current originality and authorship doctrines while facing such new type of works; it is the most fundamental issue need to be dealt with. To provide the potential approaches for AI-generated works for Taiwan to consider, this article introduces the approaches proposed by the U.S. legal scholars for improving the current originality doctrine and the authorship requirement, then apply those approaches to the existent three representative examples of AI-generated portraits to see whether an AI-generated work still can be attributed to a human author, and thus be a copyrightable work of authorship. In the end, this article proposes a preliminary suggestion for interpreting and applying the originality and authorship doctrines under the current Taiwan copyright law to tackle with AI-generated contents.
起訖頁 139-160
關鍵詞 著作權人工智慧生成作品原創性作者身分著作適格/可著作性CopyrightArtificial Intelligence-generated Works (AI-generated Works)OriginalityAuthorshipCopyrightability
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202304 (335期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593133509  複製DOI  DOI申請

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