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Treating Customers Fairly and Insurance Regulation-Protecting Vulnerable Consumers
作者 汪信君
中文摘要 公平待客原則為近年來金融主管機關所欲推動金融市場政策之重點。就目前以保險業實施狀況為例,相關內容之說明大抵以金融消費者保護法、保險法與相關保險法令(如保險業招攬及核保理賠辦法、保險業務員管理規則、相關注意事項與自律規範等),作為其原則之例示遵循具體內容,惟這些保險業法管制規定本為保險業者所應依循,如有違反,於契約法上或保險監理規範,都有相關具體法律效果或行政裁罰等不利益法律效果,該原則頒布是否僅止於提示效果而提醒保險業者應遵循相關法令規範?但倘若依據金融監督管理委員會針對公平待客原則開始實施評核機制而論,尤其將對於評核結果作不同程度之揭示,勢必將因揭示結果,導致消費者對特定保險業者之信賴以及無形商譽等產生不小影響。透過此原則之頒布與評核,顯然即有間接督促保險業者提升其對該原則落實之影響。惟對於公平待客原則與金融監理間之關係,實有必要由金融監理相關特性與理論作為切入點。以英國為例,金融行為總署於近年來針對公平待客原則所應遵循並落實具體作為,頒布指導方針以供金融機構參考,其中亦揭示不少監理制度之背後目的。本文即以金融弱勢保護為中心,介紹並分析英國金融行為總署關於金融弱勢保護措施之發展與相關指導方針,進而檢視我國目前關於公平待客原則下可參輔與執行時應行注意之障礙。
英文摘要 In recent years, Treating Customers Fairly (TCF) has become a major issue in financial market. In practice, the insurance regulator in Taiwan illustrated the application of TCF with the Insurance Code and the relevant insurance regulations. However, these law and regulations are supposed to be implemented to prohibit certain forms of conduct with certain levels of financial penalty. To improve the confidence of consumers in financial market, it is questionable to develop TCF merely based on the compliance of the current insurance regulations. To evaluate the performance of insurers in TCF, insurance regulators are required to provide the details concerning the implementation of TCF. Consequently, the insurance regulator begins to publish the results of evaluation periodically. While the disclosure of the evaluation will substantially influence consumers and even impede the goodwill of insurers with the negative opinions, it may arise the debates concerning transparency and fairness in the assessment of TCF. To explore the concept of TCF and its implementation, it is essential to analyse this issue in considering the characteristics of financial market regulation and the theories of regulation. Focusing on the protection of vulnerability of consumers, this article will introduce and discuss the development of TCF in the United Kingdom (mainly the Financial Conduct Authority). Based on the arguments concerning Principle-based regulation, several challenges and potential obstacles will be identified for the implementation of TCF in Taiwan.
起訖頁 24-38
關鍵詞 公平待客原則保險監理原則監理金融弱勢金融消費者Treating Customers FairlyInsurance RegulationFinancial Market RegulationPrinciple-based RegulationMeta-reglation
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202304 (335期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593133502  複製DOI  DOI申請

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