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The Registration of Caution
作者 陳立夫
中文摘要 陳立夫土地法第79條之1規定:「(第1項)聲請保全左列請求權之預告登記,應由請求權人檢附登記名義人之同意書為之:一、關於土地權利移轉或使其消滅之請求權。二、土地權利內容或次序變更之請求權。三、附條件或期限之請求權。(第2項)前項預告登記未塗銷前,登記名義人就其土地所為之處分,對於所登記之請求權有妨礙者無效。(第3項)預告登記,對於因徵收、法院判決或強制執行而為新登記,無排除之效力。」此即土地法所設關於預告登記之規定。按學理上,所謂「預告登記」,乃是為保全對他人土地或建物權利之請求權所為之登記。亦即,因對於他人土地或建物權利存有得、喪或變更之請求權,爰藉由預告登記,將他人土地或建物權利之處分加以限制,目的在於阻止土地或建物權利登記名義人對其土地或建物權利為有妨害該請求權之處分,以保護該請求權人之權益1。而實務上,關於預告登記之運用甚為常見,但其衍生之爭議亦不在少數。是本期土地法裁判精選,針對預告登記闡述其意義,同時擇錄近期之高雄高等行政法院111年度原訴字第1號判決及臺灣新北地方法院110年度重訴字第421號民事判決2則,並對前者解說,以供參考。
英文摘要 Article 79-1 of the Land Law stipulates: “The applicant shall furnish the approval of the person whose name is registered when applying for the registration of caution of the following rights to claim:1.Rights to claim in relation to the transfer of land right or to its elimination. 2.Rights to claim in relation to the change of contents or order of land right. 3. Rights to claim the attachment of conditions or a time limit. Before the registration of advance announcement referred to in the preceding paragraph is cancelled, the person whose name being registered shall not dispose of, or set any encumbrance on the land.” This is the provision on the registration of caution. The purpose of this provision is that a specific person can preserve the right to claim the real property rights of another person in order to prevent the registered holder of the real property rights from disposing of the real property rights to the detriment of the claim.
In this article, we explain the significance of the registration of caution provisions, and select two judgments of the Kaohsiung High Administrative Court’s 111 Year Yuan Su Zi No. 1 Judgment and Taiwan New Taipei District Court’s 110 Year Chong Su Zi No. 421 Civil Judgment , and explain the former judgment, as follows for reference.
起訖頁 192-204
關鍵詞 土地登記預告登記暫時登記債權請求權不動產物權變動Land RegistrationRegistration of CautionProvisional RegistrationClaim RightChange in Real Estate Rights
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202303 (334期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593133411  複製DOI  DOI申請

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