篇名 | 從德國新近之專利法修正談除去及防止侵害請求權對於實現專利權價值之重要性 |
並列篇名 | The Importantce of Injunctive Relief: From the Comparative Perspective of the Amendement of German Patent Act |
作者 | 李素華 |
中文摘要 | 專利制度賦予排他權以達到鼓勵創新研發之目的,權利人能否就侵害行為獲得救濟,攸關制度本旨之實現,美德作法雖有不同,均在實現專利權價值。新近德國專利法修正,看似不利於權利行使,然其實際影響有限。相較於此,我國一方面痛斥低薪現況,期待產業升級及高附加價值產業,另一方面又力主應弱化專利權,不無矛盾之處。本文力主,我國之營業秘密是採強化保護修法趨勢,對於願意揭露技術資訊之專利權,保護強度自不應亞於營業秘密。 |
英文摘要 | Remedies for patent infringement are designed to accomplish two goals. One is to compensate for the past infringement, and the other is to prevent future infringement. In the USA, the compensatory remedies play an importact role in the enforcement of patent right. By contrast, defendands usually run a significant risk of being ordered an injunction in Germay, even though the recent amendment of Patent Act introduces the requriement of Principle of Proportionality. This article argues that injunctive relief ensures the legal interests of patent right holders against future infringement which may have mareket effects never fully compensable in money. |
起訖頁 | 165-191 |
關鍵詞 | 專利、損害賠償、禁制令、定暫時狀態處分、保全、Patent、Injunction、Injunctive Relief、Patent Infringement、Remedy |
刊名 | 月旦法學雜誌 |
出版單位 | 元照出版公司 |
期數 | 202303 (334期) |
DOI | 10.53106/1025593133410 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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