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On Negligence Liability of Players and Referees-On Article 1176 (1) of the Civil Code ofPRC from the Perspective of Spirit of Freedom and English Law
作者 黃清華
中文摘要 自由意味著自主、自律和責任,與侵權責任法存在天然聯繫,既是侵權責任法基本的價值取向,也是體育的基本精神。《民法典》第1176條第1款,主要涉及運動員過失對於其他運動員或者觀衆的損害,以及裁判員過失對於運動員的損害,因此,集中討論運動員過失責任與裁判員過失責任是必要的。從自由精神和英國法的角度看《民法典》第1176條第1款,可知本條款關於「「其他參加者」只有存在故意或者重大過失才承擔侵權損害賠償責任的規定,值得商榷,因為運動員過失責任和裁判員過失責任,與醫師過失責任本質上是一樣的。應當從維護體育自由的角度,適用過錯普通標準,並借鑑英國法「不顧安全的檢驗」,判斷比賽激烈狀態下運動傷害的責任歸屬,堅守文體活動應「在規則範圍內獲勝」的底線。文章從法理學和比較法學的角度,運用大量英國法文獻,結合案例研究,對這些問題進行了討論,並就該條款的完善提出了建議。
英文摘要 Freedom means autonomy, self-discipline and responsibility, has a natural connection with tort liability law. Freedom is not only the basic value orientation of tort liability law, but also the basic spirit of sports. Para. 1 of article 1176 of the Civil Code of PRC mainly deals with sports injuries caused by the negligence of players to other players or spectators, as well as sports injuries caused by the negligence of referees to players. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on the negligence liability of players and the negligence liability of referees. Reviewing the para.1 of article 1176 of the Civil Code of PRC from the perspective of the spirit of freedom and English law, it can be known that the provision that “other participants” shall bear the liability for sports injuries only if they have intentional or gross negligence is debatable, because the liability for sports negligence are essentially the same as the liability for medical negligence. From the perspective of safeguarding sports freedom, the common standard of negligence should be applied, and learn from the “test of regardless of safety” of English law, to judge the liability of sports injury in the fierce state of competition, for sticking to the bottom line that sports activities should “win within the scope of rules”. From the perspective of jurisprudence and comparative law, this paper discusses these problems by using a large number of English law documents and case studies, and puts forward some suggestions on the improvement of Para. 1 of article 1176.
起訖頁 146-164
關鍵詞 自由精神運動員裁判員過失責任自甘風險民法典第1176條第1款Spirit of FreedomPlayersRefereesNegligence LiabilityAssump-tion of RiskArticle 1176(1) of the Civil Code of PRC
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202303 (334期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593133409  複製DOI  DOI申請

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