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Researching on the Concept of Obscene Articles in the Criminal Code-Focus on the Judicial Practice in Taiwan and Japan
作者 高泉鼎
中文摘要 隨著近年來社會風氣的變化,能窺見一般大眾對於性資訊的表現與流通的態度是日漸開放。另一方面,臺灣仍存在著對於性資訊的表現與流通的刑罰規制手段──刑法第235條散布猥褻物品罪。雖釋字第407號、第617號解釋對於該罪所規定之「猥褻物品」的具體化嘗試,提供司法實務一個可以運用的判準,同時讓某些性資訊得以在臺灣合法流通,卻仍未能免於抽象、不明確的質疑。對此,本文主要考察近年來司法實務見解,並佐以相關日本判例的意見,希望釐清刑法上猥褻物品概念的內涵,並重思臺灣實務見解的發展。
英文摘要 With the changes of social environment in recent years, we can see the public attitude towards the sexual information has become open. However, Article 235 of the Criminal Code is still existing as the main means of regulating sexual information in Taiwan. The J.Y. Interpretation No. 407 and No. 617 attempted to provide a concrete criterion about “obscenity” that can be used for judicial practice, and allow some pornography can be circulated legally, but also have some criticism that the criterion is abstract and unclear. Therefore, this article aims to analyze the “obscene articles” concept with reviewing recent judgements and relevant legislation in Taiwan and Japan.
起訖頁 132-145
關鍵詞 猥褻物品情色刑法第235條釋字第407號解釋釋字第617號解釋Obscene ArticlesPornographyArticle 235 of the Criminal CodeJ.Y. Interpretation No. 407J.Y. Interpretation No. 617
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202303 (334期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593133408  複製DOI  DOI申請

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