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Realities and Illusions of Off-Premise Sales for Consuming Beauty-Starting with a Discussion on Court Judgments
作者 葉婉如
中文摘要 近年美容業者常以「訪問交易」的方式,以「體驗」名義勸誘消費者至其實體店面消費,嗣再以各種不當行銷方式,促使消費者與其訂定高額購買臉部保養品及其衍生臉部保養服務契約,因此產生的消費爭議不計其數,可謂美麗陷阱不所無在。本文希望透過同一業者涉案的兩個不同結果的消費爭議判決,來梳理美容訪問交易的內涵、判斷要素與不當銷售之關聯;復自新修訂之瘦身美容定型化契約應記載及不得記載事項等相關規定,來考察其對於臉部美容消費解釋適用之啟發;此外,將針對訪問交易下之審閱期、猶豫期、解約權及解約後的處置等消費者權利進行描摹與分析,並探討企業經營者資訊揭露義務,以充分維護消費者的消費自主決定與消費資訊獲取權利;最後,並提出對於美容訪問交易糾紛處理之建議,俾以供實務發展之參酌。
英文摘要 In recent years, beauty industries often use the method of ’’ Off-Premise Sales ’’ to induce consumers to go to their stores for beauty consumption in the name of ’’experience’’. So many consumer contract disputes arise, and it can be said that beauty traps are everywhere. This article hopes to sort out the connotation and legal relationship of off-premise sales for consuming beauty through two judgments with different results involved in the case by the same industry. In addition, it will analyze consumer rights such as the reviewing period, cooling-off period, absolute right of withdrawal, and disposal after termination of transaction, and discuss beauty industries’ obligation of information disclosure.Finally, Finally, this article will put forward suggestions on the handling of transaction disputes of off-premise beauty consumption for practical reference.
起訖頁 58-81
關鍵詞 美容消費訪問交易瘦身美容定型化契約猶豫期解約權Beauty ConsumptionOff-premise SalesStandard form Contract for Slimmming BeautyCooling-off PeriodConsumer’s Right of Withdrawal
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202303 (334期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593133404  複製DOI  DOI申請

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