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Research on The Relief System of Ecological Damage from the Perspective of Holism
作者 周珂孫思嘉
中文摘要 中國大陸生態環境損害救濟制度始於行政救濟、興於民事救濟、成於整體性救濟。整體性救濟並非行政救濟與民事救濟的簡單相加之和,其價值取向是生態環境損害救濟的整體功能大於傳統的民事救濟和行政救濟總和。在中國大陸《民法典‧侵權責任編》已經規定生態環境損害的歷史機遇下,應當對中國大陸生態環境損害救濟制度進行整體性理論解釋,提煉出具有中國特色和國際視野的理論話語。生態環境損害救濟制度的性質亦應作整體性解釋,以推進這一法律制度的改革完善與體系化建構。
英文摘要 The system of ecological damage relief in China starts from administrative relief, prospers from civil relief, and finally becomes holistic relief. This holistic relief is not the simple sum of administrative relief and civil relief. It shows the trend that the overall function of ecological damage relief is greater than the traditional civil relief and administrative relief. Under the historical opportunity that China’s Civil Code Tort Liability has stipulated the ecological damage, we should make an overall theoretical explanation of the system of ecological damage relief in China and extract the theoretical discourse with Chinese characteristics and international vision. The nature of the system of ecological damage relief should also be interpreted as a whole. In the future, we must promote the reform, improvement and systematic construction of this legal system.
起訖頁 137-154
關鍵詞 生態環境損害救濟民法典行政救濟民事救濟整體性原理Ecological Damage ReliefCivil CodeAdministrative ReliefCivil ReliefHolism
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202302 (333期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593133309  複製DOI  DOI申請

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